Camping Gear

Includes the top-picked Camping equipment like tents, sleeping bags, cooler and more.

Cooking Outdoors

Quality-tested cooking essentials set for your outdoor adventures.

Fishing Gear

Rods, Reels, Lures, Fishfinders, polarized glasses. All you need to reel in the big one at the end of the line.

Hiking Gear

Durable and Flexible Hiking equipment like bags, hiking clothes, ropes and more.

About Me

I am an outdoor enthusiast. I have two children, 22 and 20 who were raised to also love the outdoors. I grew up on a lake in northern Michigan, waterskiing in summer and downhill skiing in winter. I’ve lived in California and Colorado and spent a lot of time hiking, backpacking and downhill skiing. I play golf, tennis and enjoy stand up paddle boarding. I have lived on a lake for most of my life. I have worked at a golf course to put myself through graduate school. I believe communing with nature and the outdoors is an excellent way to find yourself, to relax, and to discover a sense of serenity. I have hiked all over the US, and have enjoyed each state to its fullest. I hope you enjoy the outdoors as much as I do, and that this website will help you find the right equipment for your favorite activities.

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hundred products

Go free, go lively, Go Outdoor

Whether you are hiking 10 miles into the woods backpacking, or camping at a campsite with your car nearby, getting away from the hustle of work, hiking during the day and sitting by the campfire at night is the best feeling. You feel free, you feel connected to the beautiful environment, and most likely you get to see the night sky with stars looking down on you. No sounds of cars, planes or trains. It is a great way to bond with family and friends. No distractions. The smells are sweet, the air is clean. You don’t wake up till the sunshine hits the tent. That is if you use a tent, my son always just slept in his bag under the sky. However you decide to explore, we have the right gear to make your experience amazing. Enjoy and please contact us if you have questions.

“Time outdoor isn’t time spent, it’s invested in yourself.”

Our Products

Our products are all tested and approved. They are high quality and will meet your needs for whatever outdoor adventure you are undertaking.

Camping Gear

Camping with the right gear is essential for a good experience. Make sure you have what you need for your conditions. If you backpacking, get your paracord to hang food away from bears. Have a light source, and a great tent and sleeping bag. A mat is helpful for the smoothing out the ground beneath you. Make yourself a checklist and get outdoors!

Outdoor Cooking

After a long day in the woods, hiking or fishing or collecting firewood, means you will be hungry. Bringing easy to prepare foods, only the necessary cookware and utensils will keep your pack light. We have a great selection of lightweight cooking gear for all your needs. We have grills that are larger if you at a campsite with your car. Whatever your needs are, you will find the gear here. I’ve had a shrimp dinner while backpacking- it was my engagement night! If you plan, you don’t have to rough it. You can have a great meal.

Hiking Equipment

Hiking seems easy right. You just walk. Well, it is easy if you have the right gear. Great shoes are a must. The wrong shoes can make it a horrible experience. Always bring water, and hiking poles to help with difficult terrain can be nice. A day pack is nice to have to bring your water and snacks or lunch with you. It is so rewarding to hike. If your trail leads you to the top of a mountain for a spectacular view, or leads you to a hidden lake that is aqua blue. Be prepared with the right gear as weather conditions can change abruptly. You’ll find all the gear you need, right here.

Fishing Gear

Our most recent addition is fishing gear. Spinning rods, reels, and lures. What a great feeling to be with rod in hand and feel that jerk on the end of the rod. Hence, the battle to land the fish begins as you see your rod bend. Your reel wants to fight coming in and the fish swims hard to get away. He/she is pulling hard, but you finally get the net around it and see the beauty of the walleye, bass, etc. - whatever you choose to fish for. Sitting in a boat, standing on shore or in the water, you will feel a calm reality until the fight comes to light. Whether you catch and release or have a tasty dinner, it will be very rewarding.

The adventure starts with the gear

With the right gear, hiking and camping can be as relaxing as a day at the spa, if not even better. Commune with the beautiful country we live in, as well as internationally. Being outdoors is the best thing you can do for your health, well-being and your soul.

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Quality gear for exceptional outdoor experiences.